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## sysupgrade configuration (see /usr/local/sbin/sysupgrade for more info).
# URL where latest script is found. Empty if you don't want script to be updated.
readonly SOURCE=""
# Local path where upgrade script will be installed.
readonly SCRIPT="/usr/local/lib/"
# Package manager used. This varies between linux distros.
# Only Arch Linux pacman is supported so far.
readonly PKGMAN="pacman"
# diff(1) additional options. They help to reduce patch sizes.
# The most useful in this context are:
# -a  --text
#        Treat all files as text.
# -b  --ignore-space-change
#        Ignore changes in the amount of white space.
# -B  --ignore-blank-lines
#        Ignore changes whose lines are all blank.
# -i  --ignore-case
#        Ignore case differences in file contents.
readonly DIFFOPTS="-abB"
# Extension used for an original file
readonly ORIGEXT=".bak-default"
# Extension used for new configuration files to merge.
# pacman(8) uses .pacnew
# TODO: debian support (.dpkg-new)
readonly NEWEXT=".pacnew"
# Extension used for removed configuration files.
# pacman(8) uses .pacsave
# TODO: debian support (.dpkg-old)
readonly OLDEXT=".pacsave"
# Desired level of cleaning
# none	no cleaning of packages
# old	remove old packages from the cache to free up disk space
# all	remove all packages from the cache to free up disk space
readonly CLEAN="all"
# List of files to not upgrade: only the default version of these files
# will be upgraded; if no default version exists it will be created.
# Tipically these are files you have completely rewritten (usually in
# this case the supplied default serves only as a guide or template).
readonly ONLYORIG=(/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf)
# Package manager options. For pacman(8):
# --noprogressbar
#        Do not show a progress bar when downloading files.
readonly PKGMANOPTS=""
# File where a typescript of updating is saved. Useful to troubleshoot.
readonly SCRIPTFILE="/root/sysupgrade.typescript"
# Email of help desk where to send a report if something goes wrong.
# Requires mailx-heirloom(1). If empty no email will be sent.
readonly HDMAIL=""
# From field of emails sent to help desk
# Subject of emails sent to help desk
readonly HDMAILSUB="[sysupgrade]"
# SMTP server to use to send email
# Send a carbon copy of the report to the sender?
readonly HDMAILCCSENDER="yes"
# This command is launched at the end of the update process.
# Put custom command to execute here (e.g. lilo).
post_command() {
  # You can safely remove this nop command when you add your own.
## end of configuration